Heather Clark



RYT 200 | GIVE Yoga + GIVE Yoga’s Teach Your Heart Out

Heather received her 200-hour RYT from GIVE Yoga in April 2019. Through a challenging practice followed by a sweet opening and release, Heather empowers students to push past their limits, discover new possibilities and surrender to the present moment. Heather aspires to guide students back home to themselves, while also encouraging them to discover the power they withhold for simply showing up with a willingness to learn, grow and connect with community.

IN 6 WORDS OR LESS, WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP ABOUT YOGA? Community fueled by passion and growth.

WHAT'S YOUR LIFE MOTTO? Experience and appreciate the present because the past is behind you and the future is yet to come.

Your teaching in 6 words: Empowerment through flow, philosophy and breath