Journey into wonder, wisdom and the wild!

Are you ready? We’re about to embark on a journey, one that will span 6 months, touch three seasons and witness countless constellations. Starting next Spring, Michele Vinbury will be your guide on an exploration of meditation practices, applied Polyvagal theory ,somatic awakening and cultural analysis. You’ll learn to tap into the elements, connect with the natural world and teach from a truth that resides deep inside of you.

Can you feel it? Untamed Wisdom’s potent blend of mystery, magic, meditation, and modern science will empower and inspire you.

Friends, this is about your wild heart waking up!


Michele first created this small group meditation training in 2019 in order to invite students home to their untamed true nature. On a broad scale, it supports three layers of inquiry and healing: 1. self, 2. society and 3. nature.

  1. Self. Monthly One-on-one sessions: Private mentorship meetings serve to address personal healing and integration. Sessions with Michele range from Reiki healing to somatic therapy to co-meditations or sound healing explorations. We’ll explore self and co-regulation.

  2. Self & Society. Weekly Group Sessions: Practices and discussions in community to bring healing to us as social animals. On this level, we endeavor to create healthy connections and co-regulate with each other. We will spend time in rhythm and cycle, circle and flow learning about meditative states, nervous system regulation and the history of violent supremacy acted out by our culture over the last 10,000+ years. As we experience and learn to teach powerful meditation practices, we will heal in connection and begin to disrupt the hierarchical systems of oppression that hold us all back. We’ll be able to also explore co-regulation and social engagement in these sessions.

  3. Self & Society & Nature. Get Outside: We will spend time in nature to help heal our wounds of separation from the natural world. It is imperative that we cultivate and nurture our relationship with the living, breathing world that is all around us. This layer is woven throughout the training and is highlighted during the silent retreat weekend and the nighttime bicycle ride. Friends, we’ll be deep in ecological engagement and co-regulating with our stone and plant family.

Woven together, these layers of practice will inspire healing, wonder, and likely, experiences of the loving Source energy found at the heart of meditation.


The Untamed Wisdom teacher training experience is designed to take you more deeply into your personal practice so that you can teach from a place of embodied knowing. You will learn to teach a trauma informed, sacred somatic style using an elemental framework (earth, water, fire, air, ether). Special attention will be paid (primarily, though not solely, through the lens of eco-feminism) to unseating systems of oppression.

These considerations will lay the foundation for teaching the following specific meditations:

  • Yoga Nidra meditation

  • Sacred Mandala of Support meditation (metta, benefactor and inner sanctuary)

  • Guided imagery to include goddess, chakra and moon meditations

  • Silent Seated meditation

  • Partner co-mediation

Learning Tools

  • Weekly classes

  • Detailed training manual.

  • 10-15+ meditation scripts.

  • Expert instruction.

  • A weekend outdoor silent retreat camping experience (this will be rustic, getting you into the wild and into your instincts).

  • An evening bicycle ride with an outdoor yoga practice in Granville.

  • Monthly private meeting with Michele. These might be simply to talk or might be a co-mediation session, reiki healing or somatic therapy session. Each meeting will be personalized to meet the specifics of your journey.

  • Untamed Wisdom Mini Altar Kit.

  • Unlimited membership to GIVE Yoga for the duration of the program.

  • Practice teaching. You will grow into a skillful guide, sharing the benefits and blessings of the practice with others.

Program Dates

Weekly Tuesday Evening Zoom Practices | 6-7pm

May 10 | 6 - 8:30pm, May 11 | 10am - 5pm

June 7 | 6 - 8:30pm, June 8 + 9 | 10am - 5pm

July 19 - 21 | Outdoor Camping + Silent Retreat

Aug 16 | 6 - 8:30pm, Aug 17 + 18 | 10am - 5pm

Aug 20 | Bike Ride / Outdoor Evening Gathering TBD

Sept 27 | 6 - 8:30pm, Sept 28 + 29 | 10am - 5pm

Oct 11 | 6 - 8:30pm, Oct 12 | 10am - 5pm, Oct 13 | 10am - 12:30pm

Program Fee


Early Bird | $2,499 | ENDS MARCH 31st
Full Tuition | $3,000 | REGISTER

In addition to paying the program fee, please apply to the program to complete your registration.

Note: Some scholarship funds are available with priority given to those from marginalized communities.

50% off full tuition for previous Untamed Wisdom participants.

Email for more information and discount code.

Teaching Guides

Michele Vinbury | e-RYT-500, Certified iRest Meditation Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Educator, IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Feeding Your Demons Level 1, Somatic Wisdom Provider

Guest Guides | Angela Bompiani and Kalee Maloney (both of whom are Untamed Wisdom meditation graduates), Victoria Bates-Frye and more TBA!

Your Commitments

To receive a certification of completion, participants must:

  • Attend Tuesday night classes (two absences allowed)

  • Attend ALL weekend classes including full silent retreat (three hours missed allowed, all other absences must be made up at cost to the student)

  • Have a willingness and/or curiosity to re-wild and untamed yourself

  • Attend weekly meditation class and maintain a daily personal meditation practice

  • Offer a certification meditation

  • Complete all required readings (required reading will be shared upon your acceptance to the training.)

  • Write a land acknowledgment

  • Be open to sharing 1:1 with student partners and in small groups.


Together, we’ll open into the process of re-membering what each of us feels as our own unique,

yet intricately intertwined, wild nature!!